Powder, mirror, paint, lampshades, loofa, melted bowls, faux pearls, metal, plastic tablecloths, & various fibers 2017 “DELICACY of Complexion.—The incomparable BLOOM of NINON DE L’ENCLOS, superior to any thing yet discovered for rendering the skin soft, smooth, and beautiful in the extreme.” Due to the outbreak of smallpox in the 17th and 18th centuries, women turned to dramatic remedies to conceal their pox-scarring. Bloom of Ninon de L’enclos, also known as Bloom de Ninon, was the sought after face powder of its’ time. This product contained crushed pearl, rice powder, talc, and dangerous white lead. With each application of the powder the skin would start to deteriorate, forming craters. Prolonged use would cause paralysis of facial nerves, lead poisoning, and ultimately an early death.